Talk at Conversational AI Reading Group

I'm giving a talk at the Conversational AI Reading Group, led by Pooneh Mousavi, a PhD student advised by Prof. Mirco Ravanelli at Mila/Concordia University. I'll be talking about scalable…

Keynote at Codec-SUPERB

I was honored to be invited to the Codec-SUPERB workshop as a keynote speaker. It was on "Future Directions in Neural Speech Communication Codecs." [slides][Youtube]

“Ji Seokyoung” Patent Award

I received the "Ji Seokyoung Award" for the patent "Encoding apparatus and decoding apparatus for transforming between modified discrete cosine transform-based coder and different coder (KR101670063B1)" that I filed as…

Research Talks in Montréal

I'm visiting Montréal to give a keynote speech at ANNPR 2024 (10/11) and an invited talk at Mila (10/14) on neural speech and audio coding.

Invited Talk at MERL

Gave an invited talk at Mitsubishi Electric Research Labs (MERL) on neural speech and audio coding.

Aswin Sivaraman

Aswin Sivaraman defended his dissertation on "Resource-Efficient Model Adaptation Methods for Personalized Speech Enhancement Systems." He is joining Apple after graduation. Congratulations!


Attended ICASSP 2024. Organized the HSCMA workshop, presented five papers, chaired a session on audio coding, and attended many meetings.


Visited Yamaha Headquarters in Hamamatsu. Gave a talk on "Improving Scalability, Efficiency, Personalization, and Interactivity in Audio Processing."